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1. Explore the World in a Day: Around the World Embassy Tours

May in Washington, D.C, brings rain showers, flower pollen, and the start of festival season. One of my all-time favorites is Around the World Embassy Tours; this event is put on by the embassy, organized by volunteers, and advertised by Events DC. The first week in May is devoted to the non-EU Embassy, and they put on an amazing with food and entertainment. It feels like many of the Embassys go all out to greet their guests with food, special performances, getting a chance to go to Places such as the Thai Embassy to have tea and several different kinds of special rice dishes to Great Britain, where they are serving Fish and Chips or the Swedish Embassy where they are serving snacks from Ikea.

Regardless if you just come out the first Saturday of May to visit the Non Embassies and travel the wide world or come out the second Saturday and visit a more connected world.

I highly encourage you to come out and explore the world by traveling locally in Washington D.C by visiting the Embassy of the world.

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